About us.
TKTX now officially in Europe.
Number one numbing cream in the world.
Do you want new tattoo, but are afraid from the pain that comes along with it? No Worries, we got you covered. We take pride in introducing our iconic TKTX, NUMBER ONE NUMBING CREAM IN THE WORLD, that bring you painless sessions, making the whole process easier.
With TKTX numbing creams, you can get more done in just one session. Relax and enjoy your session while your tattoo artist prints his masterpiece. We believe in creating memorable moments with our clients. TKTX numbing creams not only get you through the fear but also maximize session productivity, reducing tap-outs and creating a comfortable yet relaxing environment.

Better Overall Tattooing Experience
Many individuals believe pain is a part of the tattooing process, and one can earn it by going through pain only. However, we do not support such theories, believing one should have a comfortable and relaxing experience. Our iconic TKTX numbing creams live up to their name, making the tattoo process completely painless.
Often tattoos are ruined by sudden jerks caused because of pain reaction. TKTX tattoo numbing creams improve your final tattoo look, reducing sensory pain during the session. Get your finished tattoo look in just one go without asking the tattoo artist to stop or slow down.
Join Our Painless Inking League
TKTX numbing creams are a lifesaver, especially when it comes to tattooing your sensitive areas. Get through the next session with no pain and side effects. Order your cream right now, and get it free delivered tomorrow. Make your inking sessions memorable with TKTX numbing creams!